Hot off the Press

A Portrait of the Unknown Jacobite Ladies, 1688-1766

Anita R. Gillespie

This book is a study of the fascinating subject of Jacobites from another perspective. It is an historical portrait, so to speak, of so many previously unknown ladies in Scotland, supported the Stuarts return to the throne, (1688—1766).

Some had exciting roles in the tumultuous political machinations at the time, working as agents, spies, and messengers, roles often shared with their fellow men. While others worked to support those who supported the Stuarts, as women in their traditional roles as wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, and friends.

Each of the ladies mentioned in this book played a vital part in contributing to the Jacobite culture and community in Scotland, having a significant impact upon ‘the Stuart Cause’. 

“… I doubt not of your acting on this occasion with all zeal & prudence, and I hope now I shall soon have it in my power to show you & yours the grateful memory I shall ever retain of your having so singularly & so constantly distinguished yourselves in my Service. James R.”

(Albano, 13th June, 1733)

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